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•••Dealing With Non-Christian Family Members•••

--Written by Uplifter Member,

•••Kenny Mitchell•••

As far back as I can remember, I lived in a Christian Home.
I was an only child and by the time I was three years old that had both become Christians, and active in church.....

I believe that every Christian faces the test, so to speak, of being the only believer in a non-believing group, family, etc. at one time or another..

In your workplace, in your relatives, in your classroom, in the grocery store, in the WORLD.

Like seeds, Christians are scattered throughout the entire world with one Mission from God...

Tell the others!!!Tell the others!!!

This is not what we often do, we either grin and walk away from unjustice and wrong, or we casually join in and later ask God to forgive us...Hum!?

My mother was raised in a poor, cotton-picking home, where all the kids had to do their share of work in the fields in order to store up food for wintertime.

She was a hard worker, from the time she was in the 5th grade until right before she married, and she rarely saw any of her money.

But out of a family of non-believers my mom was given a Christian heart, she was given a Christian home, a loving husband that she still loves, beyond the grave, and a good life, because every chance she had she would go to church as as child.
She wanted Jesus in her life.

So if you are the only member in your family that is a Christian, God has placed you there. Be the Beacon and let your light shine...Reward day is coming soon....and you know, you don't want to leave any family members behind.....

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