•••p r e s e n t s•••



--Written by Uplifter Member,

•••Charity Wooten•••

Hollywood, the dream we all have, to have some one pick us to make a movie of our life.

  My story would be about all of my struggles through Jr. High and High School.

  It would show me surviving suicide attempts, Drill team, Colorguard, ROTC, Choir, Jr Firefighting and being a Police Explorer.

  The story would show how God gave me the strength to do what I am good at while struggling with my mom as she survives cancer while I am in High School.

  Also it would show how the Army has played a huge role in my life.  But most importantly it would show my strength in Christ and how Christ plays an important role in my life.

  The person who would play me would be Private First Class Jessica Lynch because she is a very STRONG and couragous woman.

  The person who would my father would be Kenny aka P0PPS because he has always been there for me through the good and the bad times and is always willing to listen and help.

  My most important person in my life, my mom, would be played by a woman who is like a second mother to me, Mrs Debbie who I have known my whole life.

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[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and this Essay was written by Uplifter Member, JesusChic aka Charity ®2003--WebUplifterMinistries.]