•••p r e s e n t s•••



--Written by Uplifter Member,

•••Toledo Louise•••

If there was a movie about me it would have to be a series to tell everything that has happened in my life.....

There has been a lot of phases of my life and a lot of it I wish I could forget....

But if the movie of my life was dealing with today it would be one of a Christian Woman that has been Blessed by the VERY Best....Jesus Christ....

It would reflect on unique ways that we can serve our Heavenly Father....At work and at play....

In and out of our ministires...In our everyday life.....and what blessings we get and what God does for us everyday.....

It would show me going about my daily routine and life as it is......might be dull to most but I enjoy it.....

Who would I want to play in that movie?....

Well who else could play me better than me?

and anyone that knows me knows that Patrick Swayzee would have to be the male lead character....

But this will probably amaze people.....Patrick would play the role of my exhusband....

Because he looks too good and and is in the public eye too much and has too many women that follow him that that would never work....

so he would be gone after a while just like my ex but everyone is entitled to a dream.........

BUT God has a plan and His timing is perfect so I know that if I depend upon Him He will see me through it all.

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[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and this Essay was written by Uplifter Member, TOLEDOSC aka Louise ®2003--WebUplifterMinistries.]