•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Personal Views On Heaven¸¸•••

(a different approach...wonderfully written by TiggerJane....)

T I G G E R'S † Heaven!!!

The curtain of the night sky closed around the Heavens, reaching down to the ground, shutting out day and her sun.

Countless stars twinkled and danced in the velvety blue-blackness of the night sky.

The glistening light from the many stars shone sown brightly upon a small valley, nestled safely between two large mountains.
Here, in the moonlight underneath the flowering trees, lay the Tigger.

Oblivious to the wonder and beauty of her Father's creations, she sleeps.

Gently, the wind began to blow....bending over the flowers, and rustling the leaves of the trees.

The Tigger slowly began to stir and open her eyes.

Blinking....still sleepy she sat up and shook out her long mane, letting the curls settle over her shoulders and down her back. Reaching into the tree above her, she picked a ripe mango and sat eating, looking out over her peaceful paradise.

This beautiful place that God created.

Satisfied now, the tigger rose from her sleeping place and began to make her way toward the Heaven's City Gates.

She hurried now, aware of the time that was passing.....

she trotted swiftly over the beautiful land.
Suddenly she stood before Heaven's Gates. Even though she had passed through these Gates countless times, her breath was still taken away by the sheer magnificence of the Gates themselves.

      Almost taller than she could see, the Gates towered ver her reaching up onto the Heavens.

Each Gate was made completely of pearl, iridescently glowing with a light that seemed to come from inside itself.
Along the outer edges both Gates were lined with hems and precious stones that sparkled, reflecting the glow from the city streets paved with pure gold.

For a brief moment the Tigger stood and stared n awe at such beauty.
Shaking herself, Tigger set off at a quick pace, making her way through the city and toward her Father's Throneroom.

She didn't want to be late for her appointment!!

She smiled at the loveliness of the mansions she passed along the way. The air was filled with the sound of her long, blood red claws slicking and ringing against the gold of the streets......almost a wailing, mournful sound.

Skidding to a halt, she paused directly in front of the Throneroom doors, regaining her composure.

  Gathering her nerves together, slowly she swung open the doors..........

        The volume of the praises being sung through this Large Room of God's nearly knocked the Tigger off her feet.

She blinked her eyes adjusting to the loudness, and closed the doors behind her. Overwhelmed, and feeling shy in this place Oh so Holy, she stood in the doorway looking around the Large Room.

The vision which lay before her always dropped Tigger to her knees, just like it was her first time here all over again.

        The room itself seemed endless, and was the same velvety blue-blackness of the night sky. Millions of twinkling star-like lights shown from the distance, giving off a soft glowing sensation.

Underneath her feet and stretching out across the entire length of the room was a sea of glistening, crystal like glass ending in a swirl at the base of the Throne.

Upon the sea of glass were multitudes and multitudes of people, singing and praising -----bowing down in worship. And the angels were scattered out all around the room, loudly praising and fluttering their wings.

The Throne was so bright with the power of her Father that Tigger could almost not look....and as he spoke thunderings and lightenings came from his presence and the Throne.
Suddenly an angel appeared at Tiggers side and drew her forward, past the people, toward her Father.
The closer to him they came, Tigger could see that a mist hung in the air all around them and a rainbow circled his Throne. Tigger fell face forward down on the crystal glass at the base of the rainbow and her Father's Holy Feet.

She lay still, her chin trembling and tears in her eyes.

          Gently the Father picked her up and drew her away to a small outer room, calming her fears and drying the tears from her eyes.

He brought her to a table, where she could see that blueprints and plans were laid out for the making of the new earth to come.

The excited Tigger bounced up and down clapping her hands!

She had so many ideas for this new Earth.....we could give it large mountains, and gentle low valleys....with flowering trees!!! We could make the waters flow sweet, and the fruit plentiful and ripe...and the animals would know peace, where the Lion could lay down with the lamb and sleep dreamlessly....

        But she stopped still as her Father watched her with loving eyes. She had just described her own perfect Eden.

        Once more she fell at the feet of her Father in worship and in thankfulness. For she lived daily in this Eden, and Heaven, her Father had placed within her Heart.

••••Written by TiggerJane ®2001...you can write her at TiggerJane33@webtv.net and tell her what a fine job she did on this project...


thank you so much, janey.....hugga hug...

[This Webseries was created by Kenny Mitchell and ®2003 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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