•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Personal Views On Heaven¸¸•••

(Written by Anita Brown....)

Mindboggling splendor for starters!!

We cannot concieve of the physical place called heaven. I collect all books written about this wonderful place and still no one has done the ultimate job of describing it so we can actually grasp the total concept of heaven.

We can read Rev 21 and 22, yet, no real picture can be dwnloaded in our finite, human minds because we don't know of such splendor anywhere here on earth to get a comparison.

The richest billionaire, here on earth, does not, nor cannot, buy nor attain such total magnificent perfection.

I feel in my spirit that if we have a joy, a place, a need, a taste, a sight, a dream, a delight, then multiply that a million times and rejoice in the knowledge it is all yours, a gift bought and paid for by Christ our Savior.
The things you love await you...if...you take the simple step of opening the door of your heart to Jesus Christ and his love.

For ONLY perfect love could create such a place, lockng out all deceit, pain, death, uglyness, and hypocracy.

What a gift He offers us!!

"I go to prepare a place for you..." Jesus said. Could that place be less than perfect if our own perfect Lord builds it?

Turn on your best dream machine take a tour via Rev. 21 and 22.
This is the TRUE never ending story.

[This Webseries was created by Kenny Mitchell and ®2003 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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