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•••Mowing the Lawn•••

Mowing the lawn brings me very close to nature. Nature is God's gift to us. If you are not a nature person you miss out on so much.

I start the lawn mower with the first pull of the string.....most of the time. : > }

I am pushing the lawn mower and see a toad in the way. I stop the lawn mower and play with the toad. Did you know that if you lightly scratch the side of a toad it will move in toward the scratching? They like it.
Switch sides and he will move toward that side.
Hilarious, try it sometime. After I play with him a few minutes I move him to a safe area so I don't run over him.

I start the lawn mower and see a bee busy collecting pollen from a flower. He is so involved, I only see his rear end sticking out.
I watch him. As he pulls out of the flower and moves to another one I notice that his legs are covered with yellow pollen.
I follow him and watch. By the time he is done he has so much pollen on his legs that you can't see any of his leg, all you see is yellow.   To my amazement that he can even move, he flies off and I start the lawn mower again.

After I mow for a few moments I see a butterfly. I slowly move up on it and watch him drink from a flower.
(The neighbors must think I am nuts, staring at the bush for so long.) He flies away and it's back to the lawn.

I see my robin.
I call him my robin because when he was a baby he fell out of his nest and I found him and raised him and after many tears, let him go.
I know it is him because of a white feather on his tail.
The vet that gave me all kinds of assistance said he would come back each year.
Heck it might be a her, who knows. Also, because he comes very close to me.
If I lay on the ground on my belly he will come up to about 4 feet away. If anyone else is in the yard he won't do it.
Dan has watched from the window and can't believe it.

I finish the lawn and thank God for his blessings. He has given the me gift to enjoy nature and I have so much fun with it.
I wish everyone could see nature from my eyes.

At least you wouldn't hate to mow the lawn anymore. Just make sure you have a lawn mower that starts on the first crank.

{This webpage was written beautifully by Uplifter Member, Elaine Knight and created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003}

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