•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Bible Prophecy Fulfilled!•••

::::Written by Karen Kriz::::

I think the weather we have been seeing is just further proof of Christ's SOON return.

If you really sit down to read the prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation; you can see them really starting to come to pass as each and every day comes.

I find myself watching John Hagee, Jack Van Impe and Hal Lindsay more and more, just to help understand where approximately we are in prophecy today.

...I've heard this somewhere, Jack Van Impe perhaps, but it makes sense if you really sit down to think about it. The Bible prophecied about increase of knowledge in the last days, we all know that.

But has anyone REALLY sat down to think about the knowledge we have in this world today?

We have scientists LITERALLY playing God by cloning cells, animals, body parts...and now they claim to have cloned a baby and they called her Eve.

Think about the first man of this race and the first woman of this race...her name was Eve.

Every human being after their creation, including Christ Himself, has come from the birthing process, from a woman's womb. Now we have in the world a "child" that has come from other means...we have found a way to make ourselves gods.

God gave us the ability to create by reproduction, but now we are creating beings out of nothing so to speak.

Doesn't that bother anyone?

I question so many things about this...will she become an adult?..will she be able to function as a "normal" person?...will she reproduce?...will they make more clones?...

if they do, will they produce the anti-Christ?

[This WebSeries was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003]

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