•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The TV and Movie Industry Today!•••

::::Written by Sherry Campbell::::

Here is my point of view:

  I think that TV is no worse than real life. I do not think that we get the idea of teenagers having sex from TV shows or Movies, I don't think that teenagers using drugs is new, or that guns used in horrific acts by kids is brought on by TV.

I think teenage sex has always been there even when we didn't have it out in the open, it was just done more discreetly.

My own mother who lead a sheltered life, was told about sex at school from a friend, since it wasn't talked about at home.
She recalls certain girls that you knew "did it" but you just didn't say anything.

I don't think the fact that sex is shown more on Tv or Movies effects us.

In fact, It's my opinion that watching a movie or a Tv show about teenage sex, or that has drugs in it, or guns used in horrific acts would cause someone to NOT go out and do what they watch.

All three things have been around for years.
We took westerns off of TV because they were too violent, in there place there are now cops shows that talk about everything that goes on in the world.

  I don't think that by putting blinders on to things that are happening around us is a way to deal with them. By saying well, I don't use drugs, and I don't watch movies or tv shows with drugs in them, don't solve the problem, and it don't guarantee that you won't encounter drugs at your schools or in your neighborhoods.

  I do not think that being sheltered is the answer, I think being educated is.

Teenagers 50, 75, and even 100 years ago had the same decisions to make about sex, drugs, and violent acts.
I think the only difference is that 100 years ago a girl didn't just walk in the house and say "Hey, mom, I'm pregnant."

We can blame TV and Movie all we want, but I think it comes right down to family upbringing.

  I don't have all the answers, but I with all my heart do NOT believe that you watch a movie, and think to yourself, "oh, gee, that looked like fun, let's go have sex, get high, or shoot someone!"

I do think that it is natural for teens to think about all three, because when we are teenagers is when we start getting our own ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
I think it is the parents responsibility to make sure that their kids are rooted in the church.
To make sure there kids know Jesus and have a relationship with Him.

  I also think it is just time for people to quit whining that they saw it on a movie or tv, and decided to do it.

I personally think that if a movie has that much of an effect on you, then maybe you do need to only read the Bible but most, I would say at least 99% of the people think on there own, and let's face it as I said before, TV and Movies are only showing what is going on in real life, things that we see everyday.

  If you plan on blocking out the "Bad" part of the world how are you ever going to change it??

Just my thoughts, thanks ~~~Sherry Campbell

[This WebSeries was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

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