•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The TV and Movie Industry Today!•••

::::Written by Tabetha Nester::::

TV shows and movies are getting worse each day.

  Its so easy for teenagers to learn things about drugs, alcohol, sex, and so on just watching satelite, even cable.

  And all these movies coming out now.  Its very tempting to watch them.
  Like the new one that just came out.... About the teenagers going to Cancun for Spring Break.
  I want to see that so bad!! But I know that its all about drinking and sex.

  When I watch movies, it makes me want to do what they do sometimes.

  I see teenagers having sex on movies and TV shows and they act like its no big deal so I think, "Maybe it would be okay for me to do that just once."  But then I think about what would happen if my mom was to find out.... She'd kill me!!

  And God would be so dissappointed in me.
  But even if you got rid of movies and TV shows with sex and drugs, you still have the news.  And shows like that will never stop talking about Bill Clinton and his affairs; I know that happened several years ago but I don't think Americans want to forget about that.

  I didn't even know what oral sex was until that.

  I had to ask my mom... "Mommy, what's the president talking about?!"
  To me, it just seems like kids are getting worse and worse. 
They know so much more about sex and drugs at such an earlier age than I did!  And I'm not that old!

  All these young girls at my school getting pregnant, getting married and they're in 9th grade!

  Thats just so sad to me.

  It makes me worry about my young cousins and nieces.
  They think I boss them around when I tell them they can't watch certain things when I keep them but I just want to shelter them the way my parents sheltered me.
 It kind of scares me about having kids too.

  I mean, what will they be showing on TV when my kids are like 5 years old?!  Its just going to get worse.

  Thank God for channels like TBN though!

[This WebSeries was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

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