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First, I have a confidence that God is watching over us simply because I believe His Word and He says so in various areas of His Word.

Second, here are small ways in which I know He is right there just waiting for me to ask for His help. See, we think of our relationship more as how much we need God, right?
I'm learning more and more that He needs us. He can do nothing in the earth without us, while satan has a "lease" on this earth since Adam and Eve sinned.

Anyway, a few months ago, I was bringing my mom home from the hospital in my car. As I turned onto one of the busiest streets in the city, during rush hour traffic, my muffler let go and fell so we were dragging it. Just as hundreds of cars came wizzing past (6 lanes of traffic) and not ONE driver bothered to pull over seeing me out there, on my knees, trying to get it come off. It wouldn't come off. So, I said, "OK, Lord, no one is stopping to help and I have to get mom home. We still have a long ways to go, I need your help. I was pushing at the tailpipe of the muffler as I prayed that and it got caught up underneath the car, no longer touching the road! So, we drove slowly about 3 miles, before it let loose as before. We stopped, no one else did, I said that prayer again and it got caught up again so we could go further. The third time it came right off in my hand, so I threw it in the trunk and drove the 3 miles home from there. That was so cool! He did help. THREE TIMES.

There are so many other times I saw the Lord work in situations that only HE could have made happen. I won't go into them, but the times were when I had been believing God for 3 years to get me "as close to the church parking lot" as possible, as I lived 45 min. away (one way) and was at church/work at least 7 times every week. In the natural, it should NOT have worked out. But He made it work and I felt His wonderful presence throughout the entire thing.

The last time I bought a used car. His presence was all over me every time I passed a red ford on my way to and from work. But in the natural, my mechanic friends told me to avoid fords, and I hate red cars. (too common) But! the Holy Spirit knows things we don't know about things, about people, about what's down the road ahead of us, if we'll just learn to trust Him and learn to follow His leading in our Spirit, not go by the reasoning in our head.

---written by Linda-A-Supertyper...


[This web series was created by Kenny Mitchell and ®2003 WebUplifterMinistries.]

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