•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Eternity and Suicide!•••

On the subject of suicide----

I hesitated to answer cause I can only speak my heart, not say anything based on scripture.

I do know several things the word does say, that is if we confess our sins He is swift to forgive us. I also know the word says the only unpardonable sin is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

I also understand the depths of depression, having dealt with that a lot in my life and being on anti depressants for many years, although I have been freed from that, I still from time to time fight it.

Having said all that, my thoughts are varied.

First of all, I do know that there are chemical imbalances, mental illnesses and other reasons that can make a person not able to reason well.
God knows the heart, and He would know that person could not live here any more for whatever reason.

I do not believe suicide is right ..... ever!

But God is the ultimate judge. I don't believe it is unpardonable, though how or when we would be forgiven is a question.
But being a christian precludes that I think. We are to turn to Him and let Him fight our battles, let Him get us through the tough places.

We each have our heartaches, but He will use those as a time of growth if we let Him.
It may be some time before we are able to see that though. That is where faith comes in.

For an example, for the full first year after my son and his wife died all I could do was read the 91st psalm , and 1st Thess 4:13-18.

That is absolutely all. I found no comfort in the word aside from that, so clung to take that little bit.

The pain was such I had to pull off the road at times cause I couldn't see to drive for the tears.

I had to go through the valley, but He went with me. I frankly didn't always feel His presence, but I knew by faith that He was there.
I wanted sooooo badly to go Home, to go join my son.
But I knew I couldn't, it's just something I know deep within is not what the Father would want. He made us and appointed each of us a certain number of days.
He decides when we are to come Home, when we are done. He is there for us, He is.

~~~~~Written by GodsGirl~~~~~~

[This WebSeries was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003]

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