•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••What I Think About My Dreams!•••

Dreams like the internet are really more interesting that My REAL day to day life.
I love dreams, mainly because my dreams are so vivid, emotional, and riviting that I can almost always remember them when I awake the next morning.

God has blessed me with an unending imagination and it seems to work as well when I am in dreamland as when I am awake.

I have a pretty good track record on many of my dreams being visions and prophetic in nature.

I sometimes think if God can't get our attention while we are awake, He knows He can catch Us During Our sleep time...

The most amazing dream I ever had was around August of 1976.
My dream consisted of me meeting this beautiful girl with long brown hair at a little store, and after a small introduction, we instantly became friends, and then she took me to where she lived, which was out in a rural area, and I remember her pointing out to her big barn and talking about the farm land all around her house.

What was amazing about this dream was...On September 3rd 1976, just a few short weeks after I had this dream I meet this "girl" with the long brown hair that ran all the way own the entire length of her back...struck up a conversation with her next to a grocery store and she ending up taking me to show me where she lived, because it was off the main road and sure enough....there was the barn....

It was amazing.
For some reason, I saw this girl stopped by this store, did not know her at all and by the end of the night, it was almost too much for me to belive.

I didn't think it was real.
I started asking around our town if anyone knew her family.
If she really was real....lol...

The rest of the story...I married this girl, and we had two children together...

Dreams......they do come true....sometimes its good sometimes its a very wise learning experience.

Many of my dreams I find myself knowing I am dreaming and plotting what will happen next, and that sometimes is a strange feeling when you wake up the next day and remember those.

I did have one dream......I dreamed of the rapture......I felt the awesome power of God overhead as all the Christians were suddenly in this big field and an enormous cloud was hurling itself into a gigantic opening in the sky where I could see Jesus motioning for the people and they were rising up.

Oh the heavenly feeling....And like one other writer in this series stated...You just can't describe some dream scenes with any words we know..

My dreams are often of travelling and getting lost or never getting to my destination.
Those are very troubling and I don't like to be in those dreams.
But I often have interactive dreams with people that when I awake I feel warm and happy inside and I know I have had a good night's sleep.

Pray well before going to bed each night.
It will have to have some positive impact on what floats into your dreamland....

~~Written By Kenny Mitchell~~

[The Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell ฎ2003 Web UplifterMinistries]


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