•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Who's Fooling Who?--Effects of Hypocrisy!•••

----Written By Cassie Lynn----

We fool ourselves. We (Christians, individuals, the church of Christ), fool ourselves. Here's some definitions of the word "fool (verb)" from the great land de Webster:

1 : to spend time idly or aimlessly

    ~How many times have we done something trifle when we could be spending our time doing something worthwhile?

2 : to meddle or tamper thoughtlessly or ignorantly

    ~We're not wise when it comes to the world. Some of us are ignorant, but most of us are just plain stupid. This can deal with theological arguments (arguing with lost people doesn't give glory to God) and a heck of a lot of other things.

    ~We think we have it going on. We think that God's smiling at us. The sad thing is that we're starting to believe our own lies.

* "The greatest single cause of atheism in this world is Christians who acknoweldge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door, and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." -Toby McKeehan

We say one thing and we do another. We lie, we cheat, we steal. We denounce our supposed Lord, if not by our words then our actions or lack thereof. We commit adultery via idols, thoughts.

We're idle. We're sporadically "spiritual." We're Christians. And we're the biggest hypocrites among them all. At least the world doesn't claim to know Christ.

    At least they don't claim to be Christ's followers.
We do, yet we do the same things they do. One little lie here, no confession there; a little prayer or Bible study here, a lot of TV there.
I find it funny in a sardonic way that Jesus is Lord yet we often spend more time devoted to earthly pleasure (choose your pick, there's a lot of them) than digging into God (i.e. 30 minutes of Bible Study/day vs. 3 hours of whatever else).

I'm not saying that watching TV, netting, or whatever's bad.
I'm just saying that if Jesus is our Lord, shouldn't we spend more time with him than with Homer Simpson (or even worse *ick* Jessica Simpson)?

My name's Cassie and I'm an habitual offender.
Sorry, Christ, for the misrepresentation I've given. Please forgive me. I won't do it again.

Well, I better go. Thanks for being my Lord. I know I'm cutting it a little short tonight, Christ, but Tiffany's supposed to call soon and right after she calls I have to go to sleep. I shouldn't have started this late, but I just had to get online to check my mail first, y'know?

Thanks again for forgiving me. I'm a hypocrite no more.
Gotta go now, Christ. The phone just rang. In your name, Amen.

My name's Cassie and I'm only fooling myself. After all, I am a Christian.

[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

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