•••p r e s e n t s•••


†††~~Overcoming Obstacles With God's Help~~~†††

~~~~~Written by CASSIE LYNN~~~~~

Disability? Not physically.

Illness? Not fatally.

Chaos? I've learned to love it.

I haven't been burdened with a disability. I haven't been plagued with fatal illnesses. My life hasn't been the school of hard knocks. The only thing wrong with my life is the mere fact that it was mine, and sometimes still is.

The Bible says that we're supposed to be uncomfortable here. It's not our home. We're supposed to not feel happy-go-lucky, so we shouldn't expect it.

    Does that ease the pain? Maybe, but not in all cases. Does that stop the pain? Never. Where does God fit in?

The blunt truth is that our lives are ours and therein lies the prob.
We grasp onto them with these hopes and aspirations; we're territorial sometimes about our lives.
Therefore, we grasp every single bad thing that's in our lives. As it numbs us, we won't let go.

If our lives truly aren't ours, then it's much easier to live in this hole away from home.

If they're God's.
then there's breathing room.

Does that ease the pain? If you give everything up, yes.
Does that stop the pain? If you truly want it to...

I'm living a life of ignorance, as previously stated. My life hasn't been horrible. It still, however, hasn't been home.

I want to go home. I'm not comfortable here. When (in those rare instances), I give my life to God, though, this hole is most definitely a nicer place.

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[The Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003]

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