•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••A Day With My Guardian Angel•••

***Written By Jennifer Weithaus***

My guardian angel gets up very early in the morning, and is busy at work right away. You see, I am very clumsy, and it doesn't help that I sometimes leave things scattered around on my floors. So there are many a days where I trip when I get out of bed in the morning, and go sailing across the room. No serious injuries have ever occurred, and I am sure I have been spared many falls.

My angel's next job is to get me safely to work. Though I try to be a very good driver, sometimes I do silly things like dig around in my purse, when I should be paying better attention to the road. There are many of times I really should have been involved in fender benders, yet grace saves me every time. I am constantly thanking my angel while traveling in the car, and I always remember to thank God for my angel, that keeps me safe in my travels.

All of this before 7:00 in the morning, yet it doesn't end there. I work at a hospital, that is not in a very good neighborhood. I have worked there for five years. I have never been mugged, assaulted, nor has my car ever been stolen or broken into. Not all employees have been so lucky...or should we say blessed?

My angel is able to relax a bit while I am work, because I can't get into too much trouble there. I just sit at my desk, and pound keys all day. Although who knows how many scrapes he is preventing? I am certain there are things that go on around me that I am not even aware of, because my angel has that shield around me.

At the end of the day, when I crawl into bed each night, I always feel my angel's presence. I feel security while lying in bed, and I often feel my good night of sleep is produced by my angel wrapping his arm's around me while I sleep.

I am living proof that guardian angel's exists. Not surprising is it that our Master was so clever as to have His angel's protecting us. I am glad to be human, as I know my guardian angel works much harder than I do!!!

[This website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003.]