•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Reaction to the 9-11 Tragedy•••

***Written By Heather Vineall***

Hey! I think that America suffered the tragic bombing of the world trade centers to bring a revival to not just one city, or town, or even just the usa, I think It's going to be a world wide revival if people continue to pray for our government officials and everything going on.

I think although it's so awful what's happened, I know that I've learned something from everything I've ever gone through, so no matter what, we will have all taken something out of it, either pain, loss, and a lesson, or a joyous spiritual revival along with many lessons and blessings...

either way you look at it God has blessed this nation, and it's all just part of the plan.

It's kinda like, this story I heard....

There's this little boy, he has to go into the doctors and he needs to get a shot. He's so scared that his father needs to hold him down. As this is happening the boy is wondering why his father would let them hurt him, but what this boy doesen't know that his father is holding him down, because he know's what's best for him.

That's how it is with us, we don't realize what's best for us. God's wisdom surpasses all understanding, and we just need to have faith in him and that he will make everything good.

I believe that in the future, God is going to spread his world and his spirit and people who've never known him, are going to know him and give their lives to him..

When the devil throws lemons, God makes lemonade.

Jeremiah 19:3 "When you seek me you shall find me, if you seek me with all your heart"

[This Web Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]