•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Dealing With Non-Christian Family Members•••

***Written By Wendy Fifth***

When I was a little girl, my Dad had all of us going to church. I knew who God was at a very young age, no denying that.

As the years went by the family kinda split on the church subject.
My father would go to church almost every sunday while my mother would stay home with the kids.

As I grew older yet being still young I noticed how very little I got to see my father.
He worked alot to support a wife and 4 children. Things where tough.. money was tight.. and I found refuge in going to church with my father on Sundays.

Neither of my sisters or my brother would go.. and on very rare occassions did my mother go...

so here I am finding that I can spend time with my dad just me and him.

The years have passed by and my dad passed away this past October and I've found myself in a home where I'm the only Spirit-filled Christian.. my mom is christian.. but she isn't into going to church. My sister knows very little of the lord.. and it hurts me to be criticized in my home for letting out a four letter word when i'm angry from people who will shout any profanity out in a heart beat.

It's very hard to deal with being the only one going to church on sunday morning. It's very hard to be the only one who has that closeness with God... and it tends to pull at you.. and take you away from God.

I think what we all need to do.. those of us in this situation is to stand firm in our relationship with the Lord.

To stand firm in his loving arms and hold his hand as he walks with us down our paths in life.

Noone ever said it was going to be an easy thing for us.. but keep praying and interceding for one another.. cause we have the ablitly to plants seeds.. and God can use us to draw our families closer to him... He has and He will..

We just have to deal with it one day at a time until we are no longer the only Christian in the family.

[This Webpage Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

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