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•••Views On Christian Flirting•••

------Written by Uplifter Member, MACKENZIE NOEL..

I could go on and on about my convictions in this subject, but all too well do I realize how much I fail in this area.
Flirting has always been a big weakness for me and it's hard to come out of something so consuming.

I could rant and rave about the reasons possibly being how my father was never open to his love for his beloved daughter and had all his "caring reproves" misunderstood, but I think I can clearly take all the blame for my own sins.

As far as flirting for fun, I highly disfavor the idea in all means. What point is it??

To lead someone's heart on and even sometimes scar it deeply doesn't sound in the least bit "fun" to me.

Flirting, in my opinion, can definitely lead to some horrible regrets and wounds.

"Innocent flirting" you say? There is no such thing... it may just be the first step to a long and sometimes disastrous process, but there's no mistake in the hooking mystery that captivates one who is just being introduced to the process and even well into it. It never goes dull when someone is having such a good time at flirting with all those around her/him; to be the center of everyone's attention.
An area I can never overcome alone, I need God's strength and friends' prayers. Flirting on the internet can be most dangerous, I believe.

As with myself, I think it brings a lot of people "out of their shell".

I knew not to lead guys on and flirt in such a bold manner in person, very aware of how deeply in trouble I would get myself, but on the internet it was different. I could be as flirtatious as if there was no tomorrow in chat and never have to worry about being alone and in an uncomfortable position with anyone online.

But, all too well known, that is no excuse!
What is in your heart will eventually seep through the mask of angelic features.

So, in brief conclusion, I am, with only God's strength to continue, against flirting for fun.


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