When You were born

I wasn't ready for You...

God had the plan and his timing was true.

I am sure as a baby, you were delightful and sweet.

But God wasn't quite ready for Us to Meet...

So..In the days of your youth

With your lifeforce all aglow

God was molding you perfectly

To the lady I now know.

So...Dont look in the mirror

And think of those days in the past

And wish again for the Holley

That the reflection once cast...

Because I don't want you

The way you use to be

I want you the way you are

Now that you're with me.

These years that you have gathered

All the times since your birth

Made you a God-loving Woman.

And my only match on earth.

As I hold you in my arms

and see the love in your eyes

It's not a child of the fifties

Or a Seventie's Surprise

You are a 21st Century gift

That was placed in my care.

And for the rest of our lives

God has and will be answering our prayers

So...Don't think for a moment

That your not the best you could be

Because I love you RIGHT NOW!!!!

The way You are when You're with Me...

[This webpage was written and created by Kenny Mitchell for the Holley Series and for my loving wife on January 12, 2004® WebUplifterMinistries.]

Please visit HOLLEYLAND!!