So Simple---So Sweet...

How We finally did meet...

A miracle in Our eyes

But we were never surprised.

God's plans--Well devised..

A million moves and lots of change...

So many schedules to re-arrange

But, one by one, they fell into place..

A natural miracle with God's Precious Grace...

Determination and Faith with hope.

As we held hands--we knew we would cope

Joined together with God's true weave.

Just a click on the net..

Led Us to believe...

As We said Our Vows in our new home

With family nearby and love full-blown..

At last we kissed and sealed it all

Led by Jesus--So far, it's so natural...

Our hearts, Our smiles, Our everything...

All blessed by Heaven and the King of Kings..

So it's natural and a miracle all the same..

Kenny and Holley-Now are one..

Daily Praising God's Holy Name....

[This webpage was written by Kenny Mitchell for Holleyland and ® 2003 WebUplifterMinistries]