•••••P R E S E N T S:•••••

My heart has a new beat

that the doctors cannot cure.

Within the thumpity-thump

There's a PING-but I'm for sure.

You put it there the day

You did my emotional surgery.

When you added the piece of Yours to Mine

And Now I have much more than Me.

I'm more than the guy who looked at his life

and wondered everyday.

Why love kept right on walking by.

When His heart cried out for it to stay.

I'm more than the fellow who dreamed

about the woman who would shake his soul

Because the dreams have stopped-

Reality lives-

And you are more than enough

to score that goal.

So..Thumpity-thump PING

doesn't bother me at all

It reminds me that Our Loves so strong.

We have an internal wake up call.

I know your heart is responding

You are more than ready for me.

Between all Our Pings and Thumps

We'll be cuddling most happily.

[This webpage was written and created by Kenny Mitchell for THE HOLLEY SERIES and ®2003 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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