UplifterlandEAST Editor's Profile...

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––––––E D I T O R' S-------

===P E R S O N A L===

:::P R O F I L E:::

In November of 1998, I put on my walking shoes and stepped out on that endless internet highway called Web TV...

I was familiar with a computer, but had no idea what to expect in this strange, new world.
The six years prior to getting on the internet had found me publishing my own weekly inspirational newsletter called "THE UPLIFTER" which to this date, has entered over 10,000 homes in various states and cities all over the world!!!....
The friends I have met since I have been on the internet have totally blown me away!
Most people that I write or chat with are the most loving, caring, giving people I have ever met in my life.
This website is dedicated first and foremost to Jesus.
I give God all the glory for the countless moments of inspiration that He has given each person on this website and I thank Him for allowing me to be His servant.
It is also dedicated to every single person that has ever glimmered one ray of sunshine on the Uplifter Ministry, those that have always been there for me from start to finish, and for all of you that do not know me yet, but will find something on these pages and links that will touch your heart and bless your soul with exactly what God wants you to have.

~~~~my bio......

I Was born on September 14, 1955 in a small town in Southeast Missouri. I was an only child--and ended up with a vivid imagination, sense of humor, and a love to make people smile and laugh.
My life, like everyone else's has had its ups and downs, but God has been by my side-thanks to the loving parents with whom I was blessed.
My mom and dad were married 45 years when dad was promoted to Heaven in October 1997.
After two unsuccessful marriages....One June evening in 2003 God sparked a relationship between me and a young lady who lived over 1200 miles away from me.We met on her birthday in a Christian Chat room.....When Holley came into my life.....we both knew, without any doubts that we were destined to be together.

We prayed God's will in our lives and on December 3rd, 2003 We were married.

Thanks to the Lord, we have a big wonderful family and Holley is now working with me on the website as well as still working in the Christian Chat Rooms.

I worked at a drug store as a pharmacy technician in our town now for over 15 years.
I spent the early part of my working life with Safeway Stores, Inc. until they closed down the store in our area...

I became a Christian at the age of 8 years,which I felt gave me a strong background and belief in the power of the Lord.
I try hard to be a caring person to all and I am firm believer that Jesus Christ is coming soon.

At the end of May 2005, I had a bleeding stroke in the back of my head and all your prayers helped get me back home again, but due to the nature of my job a pharmacy technician, I was unable to continue my job.
God helped me to be able to carry on the Uplifterland Ministries with my wife, Holley and her inspiring help and also many of you helped me with your prayers and notes when something goes wrong on the email pages or on the website...Praise the Lord for those who notify Me during those times...

Our current goal in life is to sale Mom's home, which we have spent quite a bit of money, remodeling and use that money to help Us build a better life through Christ's direction as it happens.

It is totally in the hands of the Lord, and we ask everyone that reads this to keep US IN YOUR PRAYERS AND WE KNOW GOD WILL BE IN CONTROL OF ALL THE THINGS THAT FACE US.

Here is a photo of Tristan, My youngest Grandson, His Uncle Travis and a very mellow Deer from October of 2008....

We have been blessed with the reuniting of Jess and Tristan....

We have been through alot of difficult things that happen in life, but we know we serve a SUPERNORMAL GOD who can handle every care..

We asked for your prayers, on this big move and positive change in all of Our lives and that God be with all of Our decisions.


GOD CONTINUES TO take care of Us as we continue to meet one obstacle after another.

BUT---PRAISE THE LORD--We are still coming Out On the UP side!!!

At the beginning of MAY 2008, Holley and I talked to God and we all set a date of June 2008---We were gonna put all the money we had into packing up and moving back, with the help of Our relatives in the East and God.

Holley's Sister, Carol called out of the blue and told us that she had bought a large duplex with a nice yard, and plenty of room for everyone.

The closing of the loan would be the third of June...Hum??!!!


Another prayer was answered a few months ago, We sold Mom's home in Missouri and that money would provide a way for Us to continue Our life here and make it even, better.

So...We decided that it was time to update and redecorate. So thus begin a new project, we got all new living room-floor, paint, and furniture....and started on the kitchen and dining room, which is now a work in progress...God is always faithful, even in Our times of NEED now...We know help is only a prayer away, and we thank each of You who is praying for THIS FAMILY!!!---updated...October 27, 2009!!!....



Email: UplifterlandEAST Ministries Email!!!