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The year was 1967, Spring was in the air, and the word around school was that one of the most popular girls in Kenny's class was going to kiss one of the most popular boys in His class during lunch break on the track field.

As I peered inside Kennys brain, I could see curiosity, interest and something ELSE, He was actually wishing it could be Him! Oh No...Kenny was growing up, I scratched my head, opened up the BLUE SECTION of the Angelic Journal to freshen up on Puberty and what I was going to have to face.

As word got around school about this special love event of a public kissing of a boy and girl...(that was rare back in the 60s') I remember seeing many kids swallow their lunches whole and a few other Guardian Angels had kids with belly aches to deal with.

Thank Goodness, Kenny was a fast eater and As He and I rushed out to the track, much of the crowd had already gathered and there is the midst of the circle, was John and Judy, and when most of the kids were quiet and gathered together...at last....IT HAPPENED...Lips touched and the whole crowded went wild, yelling, laughing, howling, and whistling and John and Judy just turned to the group and smiled...

As Kenny and Charles walked away slowly, I could tell Kenny was feeling like nothing like that would ever happen to Him...I patted Him on the back and gave Him the assurance that He, too would meet a very special girl before this year was over....


As had always been the case in the Mitchell Household, the whole family participated in almost every church-related activity.
Kenny and Charles had many IMPORTANT summer plans made, including going fishing at the local ditch, and going to town to buy comic book and baseball cards at the local "Dime Store" as they called them back then.
Now, I think the closest you find to a dime store is a 99 cent store.
Sorry, folks to carry on, when we Guardian Angels start thinking back, we want to include everything, but I know I don't have the room and you don't have the time for every detail, so.....

It was time for Vacation Bible School, at first Kenny said He didn't want to go, but His mom and dad said, "SON, Go and and help out with the younger kids, you can have some fun, it's only a week!"
I also nudged him on this one too and told Him in my own way, that it would be worth His time...

The first night he was at Bible School, He met a new girl that had never been to their church before. Her name was Anna Crawford, and she was so pretty, with a pretty smile.. (By the way she had a female guardian angel named SYLVIA and we became pretty good friends, too.)

Oh yes, folks, you don't have to be an angel to see that Kenny was in LOVE...head over heels, and just holding Anna's hand made his heart almost bounce out of His chest.

By the end of the week, Anna told Kenny that she wanted to stay in touch, but she would be leaving town in a few days, she gave Him her picture and took his address, but somehow, they never met again.

Kenny held on to that picture for many years, waiting to hear from her again. But for that one special week that special summer in 1967, Kenny had known the true meaning of love.

He glowed that whole summer, and by the next year, He had let her slip into his memories, but never to be forgotten.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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