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¬¬¬¬¬ GRADE 5 ¬¬¬¬¬

--Meeting Charles--

Being an only Child, had not kept Kenny from being happy, but it had left a void in His life that was about to change.

At the age of 10 years old, in the fifth grade, first day of school, sitting in the desk next to His, Kenny met his first genuine life-long friend.

Kenny was impressed because Charles came from Bakersfield, California and had lots to tell everyone about the sights and cities that were much more active and larger than Kennett would ever be.

Charles' dad, always smoked a big cigar, but could only do so outside of the house, because Charles' Mom would not allow any smoking inside their home.

It wasn't but a few months of friendship before Kenny started visiting over Charles' house and visa-versa.

It was destined that these two boys were gonna be close friends for a long time.

Me, being the good Guardian Angel that I was could look into the future and see that Charles and Kenny both were innocent and for a good while they would keep each other excellent company and being that both of their Mothers were very watchful of their boys, they would not get into very much trouble throughout the next several years.

One of the first episodes that I will share with you in the millions of things that happened in their lives as friends was the day that right before the afternoon bell rang to go home, someone from the back of the classroom threw a wad of gum and it landed right in the back of Charles' curley thick hair.

Charles' houses was only a few blocks from the school so they often walked to it each day together and this day, they were having a battle with yanking and scraping and trying to get this twisted mess off Charles head, but they only made it worse.

After trying a comb, yanking a few hunks of hair right out of his head, Charles gave in and his mom ended up cutting this circular gap out of the back of his hair, removing the squashed hunk of slimey, chewed up gum.

The hole left by the emergency hair cut wasn't very noticable but Charles was still upset and it was all Kenny could do afterwards to keep from laughing out loud, which he did and Charles finally gave up and started laughing at himself, too....

{°v°}••••Changing Styles••••{°v°}

Hi everyone, Virgil reporting..It was the middle of the 1960's, I had just gotten my updated notice of many changes that would be happening in Kenny's Life coming up very soon, two summers had almost come and gone since the gum-in-hair story. Charles and Him were still best friends, and the world had already been rattled by the styles and sounds of rock and roll and the Beatles, Even though I am an angel, I remember back then I had hair, and I thought of getting one of those little cute haircuts, but, nevermind, I knew I had more important things to do...

Kenny had, for almost the whole first 11 years of his life worn a crewcut hair style. short back front top and sides.....
As he look around he noticed less and less crewcuts and more and more hair....

He had held off going to get his haircut that summer afternoon in 1966, but finally his mom sent him to the barber, which was just down the street.

Instead of the usual, Kenny didn't say anything and the barber gave him just a trim around the ears and thinned out across the back. Once he realized what was happening, and the barber turned him around to show him the final results --He was in panic!...What would his mom say to Him leaving all that hair on his head???

I have to laugh now to think how kids have changed since way back then. But Kenny's Innocence and Care for Parental Approval would prove to be a blessing in years to come...

By the time he got home, He was almost in tears and then his mom looked at him and smiled saying, "Why, Kenny, you let Him comb and part your hair, that looks nice....Do You Like It?

I went over and hovered around Kenny as He stood in his back yard and He just smiled and said, "Yes, Mamma I do like this new hair!"

Well, I better be going for now, I see Kenny is going to need my assistance any minute now....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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