{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ t h r e e••••{~•~}

Hello, everyone. Glad you are still with me. In case you may be wondering why I am not here writing every day. I am still Kenny's Guardian Angel, and He still requires a lot of watching.

Let's Get back to our journal...

It was the summer of 1962, Kenny had made it through first grade and His dad had bought Him this giant swingset with all sorts of stuff on it.
So I had to keep my eyes on Him because He was so excited, He was just running from one thing to the other.

But Kenny Loved to SWING....back and forth, so I stood close by and would give him a little push, and He would laugh and yell, "I WANNA GO HIGHER!"
One day, He had his confidence really up and He was swinging really high, on His own without my help, I turned my head for one second, I promise only, one second and He lost His grip and went flying through the air, headed for the brick wall of His house.

In a snap, I was there at the brick wall to serve as a cushion but my movement had brought his fall just about five feet from the bricks--He landed on his back in the soft grass, but I still had to give him angel c.p.r. because He stopped breathing for a few seconds.

He was ok, he had just been stunned for a minute and He was taught that Swinging carried to the exreme is never a good thing...

Kenny was now in the second grade of school, and it was in October and one night as He was sleeping I noticed Him getting awfully restless and flushed in the face.....
The next day Kenny was in the doctor's office and was told He would have to go into the hospital because he had a rare type of intestinal flu.
Kenny was scared and He began to scream and cry---so I did my angel magic and went inside His heart and gave Him peace and told the doctor exactly what to say to calm Kenny down.

During His time in the hospital, all the kids in his class sent him get-well cards, and the preacher from His church came several times and prayed for Him, He got to go home at the end of a week's stay.

The treat he recieved...was a brand new soda that had just recently became available in the area, and Kenny thought it was soooo good.

I, myself, wasn't sold on it, I mean, Mountain Dew, silly name for a soda.

But angels are not judges so I should not comment on that.

~~~~THE SUMMER OF 1963~~~

Kenny had lots of Cousins. Both his mom and dad were from big families and most of them have at least three or more children.
It was always exciting when One of the Relatives from the big City which at that time was St. Louis, were coming down for a visit.

They would usually show up at Grandma Emma's house, and her front porch would become a regular Family Reunion, because all the relative from in town would all meet over at the same time....Kenny smiled, ran, and played so much, thank Goodness, I was a younger Angel back then, and was able to keep up!

Once they were all gone, and Kenny was back home, in His bedroom, alone again, He wished, ever so secretly for a brother or sister, or even more so, for a puppy....

At the age of 9 years old Kenny wrote His first Poem....called "THE PET"....

I'm a little Poor Boy
Who doesn't have a pet
I just have one toy
But I'm happy---yet
Somethings happening tomorrow
I'm not sure of it
It will be my sorrow...
But not a Pet
So you see my dear friends
I am nice, too
This might be the end
Of a Pet for You...

As Kenny's Guardian Angel, when he would sing this little poem out loud, I could feel his sadness, and I cried, and I hugged Him, and tried so hard to help Him cope with the fact that He lived in the city now, and His Parents couldnt afford to fence in the yard, at that time, so He would just have to wait...

Being the sentimental Guardian Angel that I am, had to do something, so I worked out a deal with Kenny's Other Grandmother, Grandma Hart, to sort of let Him borrow one of her new litter of puppies for a few weeks, and even though he thought He was sneaking the little fellow home in His mom's backseat one day, I had already put the substitute plan into play and even His dad agreed Kenny could keep the puppy around for a while.

After that episode of Kenny having a puppy around for a while wore off, He was off to new adventures and all smiles again.

I am so glad that when I whispered to Kenny so many times, he usually listened...

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part, the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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