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We had several interesting happenings in the years between high school and Kenny's beginning adulthood.

Another series of events that comes to my mind...Oh, For You new folks out there, I am Virgil, Kenny's Guardian Angel and I am writing a Journal about many of Our great adventures together....(That was a plug for the W.A.S aka Worldwide Angelic Society)....Whoops, there I go pulling away from the main topic again.....


By late 1975, Kenny had basically worn out his little 1964 Plymouth Valiant and put close to 40,000 miles on it in its 3 year stint with Him.

Kenny was making pretty good money at Safeway and had been getting Savings Bonds taken out of His check every since the first day he stated work, So...He went to talk to His dad about his vehicle options.

His little white car was not a girl magnet, He had not had a single date since He bought the car.

He had ran around with a few guys and girls together, but nothing serious or even friendly girl-single riding with Him.

He felt it was time for him to MOVE ON UP...
This little Plymouth that He had been driving had had alot of work done on it since he had had it....

Kenny had managed to have at least 6 brake jobs done on it, it was tough on brakes, and an engine overhaul, and he even went as far as jacking up the back of the car and putting wide racing tires on it....(ANGELIC NOTE: I thought they made the car look terrible and it rode like a pogo stick down the road...but....)
It did draw some attention from the people who saw him with his blaring stereo, but mainly the attention was laughter and unbelief....

Kenny's Father and Him decided one more thing before Kenny got rid of his first car.....Take it out and get a new colorful paintjob on it, fix the rustspots, and redo the interior......

Kenny Chose SUPER BLUE as his color and the interior was an aqua color.....

His car got more positive attention now...Because it was shiney and clean and totally different from anything running around town at the time....

Changing the subject....Kenny had always been a collector from marbles and baseball cards, to paperback books and comics....He loved it.....He and his Dad had even made a go of collecting silver american coins, but after awhile that got too expensive..

Kenny's new found collectables were ones from MAGAZINES!!

He started His own scrapbook....He would spend hours cutting his favorite pictures out of Playboy, and Penthouse magazine, and proud placing them in this Giant folder he had made especially for them....It was called KENNY'S WISH BOOK....

Kenny had figured out every way possible to sneak the books into his room and during those days.

I understood Kenny's frustration and desires and was really scratching my head on this one, even though I know lusting is wrong.....I just had to figure out a way to find him a girlfriend.......God would just let me go so far in the matchmaking department.....

By the end of 1975, and a summer of riding around in His Super Blue Demagnatized-Feminine Wise Valiant, Kenny demanded that they trade in His car and let Him by a new one...

He had a steady job, enough money in the bank for a down payment....and finally His dad agreed......

Final Results....a beautiful Midnight-blue brand-new 1976 Pontiac Lemans Sport Coupe......
Kenny finally felt like he was somebody....and His Younger Cousins, Tommy who still rode around with him quite a bit was very impressed......

On one of Kenny's days off he went by the school to pick his cousin up, and as Tommy jumped in the car he showed Kenny a piece of paper....It had a phone number on it....738-3319.....Some old friend from several years before wanted him to come visit them.....Tommy went on to tell Kenny.....This lady has two hot daughters...One is my age and the other is a few years younger than you....

Tommy was just so sure...This would be the lovenest that Kenny had dreamed of for so long....

I...On the other hand had just recieved a special package on this family, and it was not the best of news.

Kenny would have to be very careful here.

There was a questionable lady here who left her kids at home alot at nights while she went out and partied and there was not just the two girls living there...also a baby girl, and a teenage son.....

I was ordered to be put on red alert for the next several months and a 24/7 shift, that meant no sleep for me.....

Well...I had become very close to Kenny, He was what I was here for.....So....I closed the books...Got ready to ride out this ride....and hoped we could all make it though this new chaotic adventure coming up.....


{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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