{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ t w o••••{~•~}

As you know, Kenny's dad was struggling with a job at a local grocery store, making $37.50 a week, which even back in 1958 was not a lot of money to go around.
But Me, being the angel that I am, notice things, and I noticed that every week, without fail, Kenny's dad would pay his four dollars tithe to the church.

Within the next year two wonderful things happened, Kenny's dad was given a job at the Local Bank, which tripled what He was making, and within three months of that, after Kenny's 4th birthday, they moved from their old frame house to a very nice neighborhood into a home that would be their final move.

The day they went to see their humble two bedroom brick home, Kenny was so excited.
As soon as they pulled up, the first thing he notice was the concrete sidewalk that led up to the front door.
I had to jump out and get my exercise with him as he happily skipped down the sidewalk.
It was a happy, happy time.

In order to prepare Kenny for many spiritual missions in His life, I was assigned to always be with Him, when he played, especially when He was alone in His room, to sneak inside His little head and whisper things that made Him satisfied to create, and work alone, sometimes it backfired on me!!
Please now, give me a break, I am only an angel, humans still have free will, you know. Like the day Kenny decided to see what would happen when He tried to draw pictures with his Crayons on the wall furnace.
The best I could do for Him was to protect his hands from being blistered from the heat, but I knew He needed a lesson so the blistering He recieved when his mom found out he had dripping, smoking crayons running own the furnace was much needed and again, taught Kenny a valuable lesson.
All Artwork has it's place and time!

~~~~The School Years~~~~

Since angels have to tell the truth, in fact, we delight in being honest, I have to say that the first five years of Kenny's life was made much easier for me, because His mom was so caring and watchful over Him. In fact, if there had been provisions for vacations, I could have easily had several during that five year period.

Kenny and His mom were very close, and it was a very hard thing for his mom to do when it come to taking Him to His first day of school.
I kept whisper in Kenny's ear "show your mom you are happy, this is going to be fun!" and he responded and even though he was eager to go, she still was having trouble letting go.

Finally she watched Him go into His schoolroom, and then walked back to her car, which was a shiney, 1957 Plymouth Belvedere.
Kenny and I felt proud and blessed to be riding in such a beautiful car.

Kenny sit down in his assigned chair and turned around to the young boy behind him and made his first school friend.

Kenny's mom sit in her car, almost crying, and after about 10 minutes, eased back up around the side of his room just to peek in...
By this point the teacher was talking to the students and as soon I noticed Kenny's mom back I tickled Kenny under the chin to make him smile really big.

Kenny's mom felt satisfied and had peace so she went home and so began Kenny's life as a student in the Public School System.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part, the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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