Date Of Guardian Angel Duties:


Name of Human:

Kenny Mitchell

Virgil D. Angel, Reporting...

•••••the early years•••••

I was called to duty in the early part of January 1955, to come to earth, and come to the birthtown of my new life-long companion, the newly-conceived human, Kenny Mitchell.

His parents loved each other very much. They were not rich in money, but they indeed, knew the richness of love and care for each other.

On the night of September 13th, 1955, Kenny's mother awoke and was feeling strong labor pains and shortly before midnight, her husband took her to the hospital.

She never knew it, but I held her hand and I shed a tear or two of joy as the beautiful child that I was to look after was born early the next morning---A very healthy, 9 pound 6 ounces, smiling and smacking his lips.

The first two years of Kenny's life were full of love, but not free from trials and hardships for his family.

His dad was a hard worker in a grocery store, but they really had to watch their money close.
Many winter nights when the cool winds would seep into the old frame house they lived in....I would lightly transport myself over Kenny and blanket Him from the cold, damp air so that He would not get sick.

Kenny was a happy baby, but God needed a way of getting his mom and dad's attention so he told me about a plan He had and it worked...
Suddenly out of the blue, so to speak, Kenny would get a high fever, this would cause him to go into a seizure, and while it did no damage to Kenny (I saw to that), It did break them down to realize the one thing that was missing in their lives.


Kenny's Christian Grandmother was paid a visit by me and I whispered in her ear to go talk to Kenny's worried mom one night, and It wasn't any time at all until Kenny's Mom and Dad had given their hearts to God.

I am happy to report, that the high fever no longer affected Kenny ever again.

Kenny's Christian Grandmother, Emma, was a very sweet lady, and Kenny loved to go visit her. She had a big front porch with a swing and also had Pancho, which was the Mitchell Family's dog.

It was a calm day, I was doing angel stuff like charting future happenings that I was suppose to handle and some which I had to stay out of, you know, God sometimes take you into troubled waters not to drown you, but to cleanse you.
I remember it was after lunch, Kenny's mom had just got him settled for his afternoon nap and she had dozed off in the living room chair, when little Kenny's eyes popped open and he started thinking about take a little visit to Grandma Emmas which was only across the railroad tracks and a few houses away.

But I looked at the time--the daily train was due through any moment so held Kenny back as long as I could, but He finally eased out of the house and took off across the dirt road, as the train rolled by.

Just as he got to the tracks, Kenny's mom was yelling out the door, and Kenny turned around and I closed my eyes a bit as He was spatted ever so lovingly by his caring mother.

Kenny's was now about 3 and a half years old, and His dad was In the National Guards and away for a two week training session.

I was very happy that God had placed me in this home to watch this young fellow, because His Parents were teaching Him early about the Power of Prayer.
Anyway, Kenny's mom had gotten very sick with fever and upset stomach and his dad was gone away, she was crying and called for Kenny to come to the room with her. She told him... "Son, I am very sick, If you will put your hand on my stomach and pray for me Jesus will make me well."

I whispered in Kenny's ears what to say and He said it..."DEAR JESUS, PLEASE MAKE MY MOMMY WELL!"

Within the hour, Kenny's mom's fever broke and she was up cleaning the house and praising the Lord.
Kenny and I just sit down together in his room and I hugged him and we played with toy cars together. be continued.....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part, the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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