====p r e s e n t s====

---Let This Uplifter Family Pray One for Another---

Put your trust in the Lord.
HE never fails to answer Us.
I truly believe that it will all work out.

God's grace is with us always, Even when our eyes are shut to the world around us and we think we are all alone in a mess of our own making or not, HE is still there!Those of you in this Uplifter Family, when you submit your needs to this Prayer Group-- your needs will be annointed with the blood of Christ.That is something more powerful than any man made law!!

The devil can work up a mighty lather but he can't win and he knows it.

God has already seen the outcome of any trial or tribulation.

Prayers have been heard and felt through the rooms of Uplifterland so many many times.

And as hard as it is at times, to just ride it out in faith....that's exactly what we do.

God wont give you or Your Family even one ounce more than you can bear.

God knew from the very beginning. He sees what is happening even before it happens, and He has provided a way for each of us to be secure in faith in Him.

These are blessing we see as we grow in Christ. We realize that and probably more But I know in my heart that God's logic is not of this world.

That he does not think as we think.

But no point in trying to find a reason or an answer••••it's God's will that will be done.
Through every trail, Hold fast to the idea that God is teaching something to You.

It's my faith that clears my head when fear grips me.Like my recent plane ride.

I was terrified literally but God brought me through it.

God did not place Us on this earth to be destroyed by the acts of evil and satan, but to look up to Him in these times, learn from our mistakes, and rely on Him to be there, always AT THE RIGHT TIME.

When we give our burdens to God, thats all it takes, as in my fear of flying.

It only mattered that I brought it to Him and walked away from it feeling blessed for the lightened load.

Don't let satan stand in the way of you seeing a clear picture of what Jesus has to offer you, in every ache and pain you face.

But turn from the face of the evil in his heart and follow the light of our Lord.You've got all of us at the Uplifter praying for a good outcome for any of you that want to share with Us your needs.

Our prayers are heaven bound and I know they are heard.

I've seen miracles come from those prayers.

If we could I know all of us at the Uplifter would send our guardian angels to to help carry you and your family through any murky muck that you see before you.

  Please remember this if nothing else,that God has already seen the outcome.

Worrying only drains your already exhausted mind and body.

God knows you can get through this or He wouldn't have put it before you.

The Uplifter Family is a powerful souce against the devil and his dark affairs. Through this Ministry, I was brought back to God.I conjured up more faith than I thought a 5 foot 3 inch woman could hold.

Let me lend you some of mine When you're too worn out to carry your load in life.

You can't give up.That's a lesson you've taught to me.

If I could only tell you of all the Uplifter moments that have changed my life.

The Uplifter doesn't stop when I push the power button.

It's in me.It's with me everywhere I am,if I'm standing in line at the grocrey store or if I'm in prayer with my merciful God.

There's lots in the Bible that I don't comprehend but faith is the ultimate message there.

Finally.... take from this, with you all the faith to sustain you.There's nothing more powerful than the annointing of Jesus's blood.

It's on you and all your needs

.God's already blessed us.

It just takes us awhile sometimes to recognize it.

Keep the faith!!!!!!May God continue to bless His followers.

Love Dena:-)

[This webpage was written by Uplifter Member, Dena Murphy and is presented here in tribute of her and the Uplifter Spirit Award Series ®2002 by WebUplifterMinistries.]