~~~p r e s e n t s:~~~

I look into You....

Seeing all that You are...

You are a rock for the weak...

As You carry them so far...

You eyes are so kind...

In Your Own loving way...

And I thank God for the Holley...

That grows sweeter each Day...

On this Earth, At this time...

We may find much unrest...

But When I look into You...

I see a Sweet Lady...

Giving Her Best...

When I stand in My reflection...

and see the Holley in Me...

I am thankful and prayerful...

Of how God's Plan grew to be...

So..Reflections of Holley...

Like Sugar Plums in the Snow...

Will still give Me warm goosebumps...

and a rich life that will grow...

I write this today...

Not knowing much about later...

But I know one thing for Sure...

God is a fantastic SoulMater!!!...

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for My Wife, Holley ®2007SEPT and thanking Her for Her love.]

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