---p r e s e n t s:

Quit Worrying...            

Go to God in prayer and ask for God's help with your burdens, and you will discover that God will carry many of your burdens for you.

  Put it on God's List...

  Not on YOUR to do list,--But God's 'to do' list. God cannot help until you turn it over to HIM....

Trust in God!!!!

  Once you have given God your burdens, stop trying to take them back.

 Have the faith that God will take care of all your needs, your problems and your trials.

  Leave it alone....

              Once you give God your burdens,God is taking care of your burdens. God is also renewing your strength and covering you in peace.

  Talk to God.

God wants you to forget a lot of things.

Forget what was making you crazy.

  Forget the worrying, and the fretting.

God wants to hear your voice.

God wants to be included in all the things going on in your life.

Prayer is simply a conversation with God.

God wants to be your dearest friend.

[This page was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2006OCT FOR THE GLORY OF GOD....thanks for sharing...]

UPLIFTERLAND---front door entrance!