He watches Me....

With eyes filled with Love and Hope...

He Understands...

Even when I tell Him "NOPE!"

He is such a Loving Savior

The One, My Great Creator

My God, My Jesus, My Trinity

A Million Reasons to love Him...

But How could He every need ME???

He talks to Me....

With a voice both soft and wise.

He looks at me with such a gentle smile

Even when I stubbornly shut MY eyes...

He's there for Me....

Though I will probably deny Him many times

He knowingly takes the blame

Even though I have done the crime..

He's my loving God and Keeper

With Jesus...There is so much love

A Million Reasons to want Him!!

So anxious to be with Him Above!!

[This webpage was written and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2006JUL===and I Thank God for Using me with every new page I created For Your Uplifting Blessings....]

^^^^thanks for your prayers and for being here^^^^