~•~•sherry campbell*s•~•~

Does anyone ever notice that everything has a web address on it anymore?

Even my soda pop I am drinking has a web address, so I decided to go to the web address.

When the page loaded up--there was before me everything imaginable with the soda logo on it.

It reminded me, as I put things into the online shopping cart of how Jesus was tempted with all the worldly things He saw before Him.

In remembering that I emptied the online shopping cart, thinking ..."what do I need with a canteen?"

This reminds me that the more that a person reads of the Bible the more these things come to mind when we are about to make a mistake.

I mean, I*m sure I could have found a use, for a sports bottle, canteen, and another key chain...however,

it saved me from another bill on my credit card.

I find that when we are about to do something foolish, that God will send a teaching to mind.

Jesus spent so much of His time here teaching us, and if we just open our Basic Information Before Leaving Earth (B I B L E) manual.

It is all there for us to learn.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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