~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

Jesus Loves Me This I Know...For The BIBLE Tells Me So.....

    This song is such a comfort at any age.

I find in times of hardship of any kind this little tune will play through my head.

Like my own little song from Jesus to Me to remind me that He does love me.

In my walk I have discovered that Love is not always just getting what you want.

There have in fact been times, I have asked God to give me things that were not in His will.
And was grateful later that God did not grant my request.

For example...and I am sure most of us have this one....There was a boy that I would have done anything for...and I prayed nightly for God to let the Boy love me back.

It didn't happen. But now I am married to a man that is so much better for me than what I wanted in the first place.

 Now, understand, there wasn't anything wrong with the Boy I wanted as a teenager...

However, He just wasn't right for me. God knew that way before I did.

Other times in life we need something, and God will hand it to us, before we know that we need it.

For example...Knowing we needed to move to Des Moines, and not having the money...we were asking God for a mild winter.

God did so much better than that!! A truck that we had been trying to sell...SOLD!!

Providing us with enough to move here, and to stock groceries for our first winter in Des Moines.

I tell you, there was a lot of praising going on in this household!!

So, when life seems to be handing you lemons, and you have forgotten how to make lemonade...

just remember...Jesus Loves Me, This I Know for the BIBLE Tells Me So....



  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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