~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

My Father is battling cancer. My mother and I are sharing in the care of him, in my apartment between chemo visits.

Tonight, I rubbed Dad's legs as they were hurting Him so.

As I sat at His feet. I thought of how the children sat at Jesus feet, and what they must have felt.

The first thought that came to mind is Pure Love. No matter what I have done in my life I have the pure love of Jesus, and of Daddy.

I thought of how a Father is to be an example of Jesus in His children's lives.

I believe that my Dad has done that. My Dad never knows a stranger. At the same time, my Dad can't tell you what the person was wearing, or the color of hair they had.

What He can tell you is that man is a believer, and He always knows His name.

If you met my Dad once, He remembers you forever.

If ever someone needs something my Dad has, it is their's for the taking.

When my Dad tore down houses, He would sell the lumber from them.

 He had times when someone would come to the house saying that they could pay Him for the lumber later.

Dad would figure up the total of the lumber, help them load it on their truck, and would tell them before they left to remember what the total was, because He would never think of it again.

Then one day a bill would show up in the mail, and Dad would be sitting at the kitchen table praying aloud for God to pay the bill for us.

It never failed that someone would show up to buy lumber or to repay for lumber already taken.

Dad would just smile, and Thank God.

There are a lot of nurses and doctors, who do not understand my Dad right now.

 Dad will laugh, and joke with them. The nursing and doctor staff act like Dad is not going to make it. Dad will smile and say "Only God knows that, I am doing my part."

I stopped tonight, and thought of all the "moments of love" that my Dad and I have had at the kitchen table, or with me at his feet with a lotion bottle.

 All these moments, that God must just smile down, and say to me, "I love you my child."


  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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