~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

Isn't it reassuring to know that God doesn't make accidents?

Everything in our lives happens to teach us something.

Sometimes the lesson is easy to learn, and other times, the lesson requires a few tears, and some emotional commitment to understand all that we are being taught.

No matter if our parents were planning for us to appear or not.

God picked out our parents.

God knew when we would be born.

God knew if we would be born earlier than the doctor thought.

God knew if we were going to require more time than the doctor thought.

God knew if our nose was going to be small, medium, or large.

He knows everyday of our life.

God knew that one day I would be sitting up at midnight, typing out the words He was placing in my heart that had to be written.

Yet, with all this...we still call things in life an accident.

This knowledge made me pause and re-consider things.

If a deer hits the car...maybe we're traveling the wrong road.

Perhaps, God is trying to tell us that our direction is off course.

If the car you have is slowly falling apart (like mine).

Maybe God is telling us that we need to repair more than the car.

Maybe our souls need maintenance.

If your driving a brand new vehicle maybe God is showing you the greatness that comes from following Him, and is granting your desire for a new vehicle.

For every problem in our lives there is a lesson to be learned from it.

I believe that until we learn each lesson, that the same problems will attack us.

The fact that God never makes an accident....has me looking at people around me and thinking better thoughts of them.

After all, God loves them, and as their sister in Christ I should love them too.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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