~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

How many times do you stop, and look in the mirror thinking....

if only my butt was smaller?....

if only my eyes were green instead of blue?...

if only my tummy was a little bigger...

if only....if only....

I confess that I liked nothing about my mirror image.

I would look in the mirror, and would think if only I was a size 4 dress, then I would like myself better.

Truth of the matter is...God made us in His image.

We have to learn to love what we see in the mirror.

I recently came into this frame of mind when my Dad started losing all kinds of weight due to chemo.

I had heard people talk and talk about losing weight,

and everyone is on a diet, we have to watch our carbs.

blah blah blah.

Ideal body weight.

If my father had been at his Ideal body weight. he would only weigh 50 lbs. right now.

The average skeleton weighs 70lbs.

In my opinion, I believe that God knew my Dad would need the extra weight.

Several years ago when I was run over by a jet ski,

the doctors confirmed that if I had been at ideal body weight,

they believe I would not have come out of the lake at all.

Now, I personally believe all of that is up to God.

IF I had only been at 120 lbs, and it wasn't my time to go, I believe God would have left me here on earth for my purpose.

Anyway, back to the self-image.

You have to love the body you are in.

Granted that is clique'. However, if you can't love yourself, and you are made in God's image...then how will you ever fully love another?

I have come to a place in my life, where no matter what the mirror says,

I am going to act like I am already a size 4.

Good self image is an important part of the Christian walk when you consider the image we are made after.

For me the most important thing to remember when I look in the mirror anymore is that Jesus loves me, despite what I may see in the mirror.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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