~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

I often think of how wonderful it is that God don't keep a "Credit Score" on us all.

I recently got my credit report, and for anyone who has been in tough spots,

you can certainly understand how...even while you wanted to pay everything on time, and in full,

there are times, due to circumstances that things just simply don't get paid.

How wonderful it is to know that Prayer is Free.

Jesus paid the price for our sins and He is not keeping a record of our debt to Him.

How thrilling it is to know that when standing before God...

Our credit rating is not going to effect if we are in Heaven with Him forever or not.

God is not going to look at me, and say, "On July 15th, 1993..you committed sin.

You now owe Me 12 Prayers, and then you must fill out a form to have Me take it off of your Credit Score."

 It is wonderful to know that the very day that I asked forgiveness of any sin in my life, it is immediately deleted from God's memory bank.

Therefore, my credit with God is excellent, as long as I am asking for forgiveness, and striving to be just like Him.

It is indeed a blessing to know that God is always there to listen to me.

God is always ready to help, and a constant friend.

I know as I contact these people,

to get things right on the credit report, that God is going to help me to know what to say,

and I am praying that He will touch the hearts of people,

that they may help me out of these problems of my teen years.

It is wonderful to know that No Matter What these people may say to me,

that God is in control, and He has my best interest at heart.

Yes, I am so glad that my "Credit Score" with God reads "Excellent".

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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