~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

I recently talked with a Christian Brother, about how it was hard for me to give money to the Lord.

That it seemed like there was always something in the way of me giving God 10%.

This wonderful Brother told me about 10-10-80...

No... it is not a savings on the phone bill, but rather a group of percents that work.

10 percent to God, 10 Percent to savings, and 80 percent to bills.

I thought on this for awhile and then got out my pen and paper.

I figured the paycheck the way I was doing it.

Bills...and the rest to decide what to give God and Me.

Then I figured it the 10-10-80 way.

I'm here to tell ya, it works!

I gave a lot of thought about how to save money, and figured it at a dollar amount I pulled from thin air.

 I have started the 10-10-80 plan.

Not only do I have more money this way,
I feel like I am in control of the money, instead of the money being in control of me.

 By giving God what is HIS to begin with....I put my trust in Him to see me through the rest.

When you give God his dues, He will bless you abundantly.

 I have glanced over the next few months,
and by the end of the year...I will be out of debt and have enough to put a down payment on a vehicle that we really need.

God knows are every need, and he knows are every want.

God sees to every need that we have.

And sometimes, we get the pleasure of being blessed on some of our wants as well.

In closing, I just wanted to send this out for those that struggle with this issue as well.

I have learned that as Christians we need to share these things,

so that others may benefit from the knowledge we have received. I thank God for sending the Christian Brother who told me the 10-10-80 plan.

I hope this helped someone else whom is struggling with giving unto God as He asks Us to do.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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