~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

A question was thought about as I was hearing of people in other countries having to hide the bible, or be punished due to laws of the land.

  The question was this....In a country where we don't have to hide the Bible....how many of us DO?

I can tell you right now that I have 5 or 6 Bibles.

The cursor on my computer is a Bible with a cross, I can change the cursor to many different symbols of religion. (a dove, mother Mary, scripture) I wish I could say that I never change my cursor to anything, and that my Bibles are always in sight.

However, I can tell you friends, that my Bibles are lost half the time. 75% of the time, I am looking up the scriptures online, because it takes less time. LESS TIME.

I often am convicted that Jesus didn't do things in worldly timely manner. In fact, reading on the life of Jesus we would find that Jesus took time to do things right.

Jesus took time to listen, He didn't rush through anything He was teaching.
Why do I try to rush through learning? Because time even in the life of a housewife is hectic.

I have had people say, "Well, a housewife without children has all the time in the world." A housewife is never short on things to do.

Running a household with or without children is time consuming. (Granted, with children is more hectic.)

However, I often wonder, if we would all slow down, and take a little more time on the important things, and less time on the mundane, wouldn't we be better off?

  More time on Reading God's Word, Less time on reading up on the latest news.

  More time on building relationships with other believers, Less time on making sure the house is picture perfect before inviting others over.

  More time on making sure we are feeding people who are hungry, Less time on going to Weight Watchers, and going on the latest diet to create a slim figure.

  More time on listening to those that are hurting, Less time talking about what we should be doing.

  More time on Prayer, Less time on Worry.

  More time on Worship, Less time on latest trends of fashion.

  More time on Hugs, Less time on tears.

  More time on loving people, Less time wasted on hate, and anger.

  More time.....

  We have 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year, yet....Time always seems to disappear.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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