~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

Today---- I got up, got ready for the day...and as soon as my feet found the floor, I had an off day.

I looked around and saw work all around me to be done.

I saw dishes to be done, vacuuming that had been put off, Trash that hadn't made it to the trash can, a lot of surfaces that needed some dusting, and of course Lunch needed to be cooked.

 I let it all heap up on my shoulders, and found the weight to be to much to handle.

  Which got me to thinking how many times in our lives do we look around for the "bad" stuff, and not look for the "good" stuff within our day.

So, I am making me a list of "Good" stuff to think about, for each "Bad" that I had in my day.

  BAD= dishes

GOOD= I have a plate to eat from, and pans to cook in. Many people don't. I have running water to wash my dishes in, there are some that don't.


GOOD= I have the ability to run a vacuum cleaner, I own a vacuum cleaner, I have a rug to vacuum. Some don't...

  BAD=Trash to be picked up.

GOOD= Having Trash to pick up means that I have a lot of things, because if you don't own hardly anything there is not a lot of clean up to be done.


GOOD= Dust is just a part of life, everyone has dusty areas of there life, so I am never alone in having dust.

  BAD= having to make Lunch again!

GOOD= there are people who are starving, that would love to have the food, I am complaining about having to cook.

  Let's all look for the "GOOD" in Our lives.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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