~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

It is so easy to make friends when we are children...you just ask the person to play a game, and through the playing, you form friendships.

As an adult..I find it harder to make friends.

It seems like the people around me are not in the same car I am in. I am married, but have no children. This is an odd category to be in.

While there are many many couples in the church I attend...they are either parents or grandparents. Or they have attended college together, and now are just starting off in life, which is behind where I consider myself to be on the road.

At times, I feel like I am riding in a two seater car...with just Jeff being my only friend.

  While Jeff has a job, and talks to people outside of the church family. My job is at the church, and I am not expanding out into the community. However, even with my husband having more people to be able to talk to, after having been in this town for a year...we had our first company to the apartment on New Year's Day.

It was a So-So day, even though, we were worn out from the night before.

  I have friends that I have made online...wonderful friends. I have been a housewife for two years, and I am finding that I need to get out more...as I am starting to lose the natural ability to make friends. Making friends in my comfort zone of down-home, or online, or even while I was on a job was easy. I find that being out of a comfort zone, and without a job where I work around a lot of people...that I don't know what to say to people. Small talk is getting harder to come up with.   I miss the good old days when you picked someone to play on your team, and you were friends by the end of the game.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2005 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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