~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

I had for the past month been pouting like a three year old about not being able to go home for Christmas.

Never mind the fact that my parents had been at my house for 4 months. I was missing my down home roots.

Missing the community that I love. (The same community that I am also glad to be away from at times.) I kept asking God ...WHY??

Why on earth did we have a car that had so many issues?
Then..I was online last week..and was looking over vehicles that I thought we could never own.

Then seeing the link to the credit application, I said to my husband...well, what do you think?
The worst that can happen is that they say no. He agreed.

Then we looked over our income, decided on a payment we could easily afford, and applied. We prayed that night that God who is in control of everything would grant us the vehicle we applied for.

I just want to say that God did not give us the Truck we wanted. He gave us the Truck we never saw coming.

We were approved for a loan, but the GMC that we looked at was not available due to mileage.

So, we were approved for a 1997  Chevy S10.

I was skeptical at first. Then we test drove it.
oooh, how wonderful to have everything working!! We looked it all over, saw that it had a 6 month warranty on it, and decided we would see if anything else would be approved.

It was the only truck on the lot that was approved. We accepted it. We thanked God.

God blesses us everyday, and a lot of those blessings are overlooked.

We started counting our blessings for the month of December so far...

  My husband works for a company that gives out a Christmas Bonus each year.

This year the bonus was twice the size as last year. So, we were able to stock up on groceries---mainly bought a lot of canned veggies, and canned items, as we do not have a lot of freezer room.

We were able to buy a TV, VCR, and DVD...not a need, but a want....so we're now able to watch the movies we have.

We're looking at going down home for Christmas.

Brother Eugene and family, gave us a desk that they no longer use for the computer, it is a LOT better than the one that we had.

Jeff's dad came to see us before going to GA for Christmas, and He gave us $50 for Christmas.

My parents are doing well health wise, and we are going to be able to help them a little bit in the money department, as the month of January is looking really tight for them.

We are able to start a small savings account!!

  After counting these blessings we realized that we are only on December 16th. God is just SOO GOOD to those that turn to Him!!

In closing......

Heavenly Father, I pray that you use my words to touch the hearts of others, Lord. Let them realize I am not bragging about what we have, but rather I am bringing all Glory to You!

I am bringing these things up to show what you can do to help improve our situations.
I thank YOU Father, for all you give us. I thank you as it is All in Your hands Lord!

In Jesus Name, Amen!!

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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