~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

God doesn't want to be in the passenger seat, He wants to be the Driver in our lives."

    What does it mean to have someone else drive?

In my case, my husband usually is the person who drives our car.
I never thought of all the trust that a passenger puts in the person driving the car.
A passenger is sitting on the sidelines enjoying the view as the driver handles all problems.

The driver has to hit the brakes if cut off, or approaching a red light.

The driver must be alert to all possible problems on the road.

Driving conditions, other drivers, traffic lights, stop signs, potholes, speed bumps, speed limits and pedestrians to name a few.

The passenger on the other hand...has a great seat, can play with the radio, or watch the clouds in the sky, has a window to look at scenery, can even rest if tired.

That is what it is like to hand your life over to God.

It's like being a passenger.
You have time to play, rest, and trust that God as the driver in your life will make everything okay.

God is looking out for you.
He is seeing the potholes that we can't see.
 God knows if the traffic light will be on go or stop.

Speed bumps and other people will enter our lives daily, and God will handle it, if we just let Him in the driver's seat.
If it's raining in our lives, and it's hard to see, we just hand the steering wheel to God.

If it's sunny and bright out, we still hand the wheel to God so we can enjoy the scenery of the day.

 Handing over the "Car Keys" to God can be scary at first, but soon...you will be set-back in the passenger seat, relaxing and listening to the sweet sounds of Peace, Love, Joy, and Hope.
I'm learning to love the passenger seat...without the worries of trying to drive!!

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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