~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

I am forever reminded that God loves me.
I have a husband that listens to me, when I need to be heard.
I have wonderful parents that love me no matter what kind of mood I am in.
My sister and I love each other, and when times call for it, are very close.
I know I can call on my sister anytime.
She always has time to listen, laugh, or be critical of my life...depending on the day.

Some people on the outside looking in, would think that I have nothing.
We have a car that is falling apart, I don't always have a new outfit to wear.
From time to time, we have enough for me to buy one new outfit, and I mix and match it with other clothes.
Sort of an old shirt meets new pants type thing.
 My hair is the same style every season, I occasionally trim the bangs, to try to make it look different.

Living 3 hours from the town I grew up in...People there look at me different...they think I have really made something being married, and having moved twice since being married.
The thing is that People will always have a certain opinion based on looks, based on what a person drives, or wears. It's all unimportant.
In the long run, no-one is going to remember what I had on today, by the end of the week.
I am starting to look at my life through God's eyes...

  Through God's eyes...He gave me wonderful parents, a sister that I could treat better, a husband that loves me through everything, I have a place to live each month, no danger of the heat being shut off, I have a bed to lay down in each night.

I've been blessed to own a computer so that I can share my thoughts with everyone out there.
This last August, God gave me a job.
I can say this in complete confidence, I didn't apply for this job, a member of the church approached me and asked if I would like to take over cleaning the church.
I was to be paid twice a month...the person that writes out the checks approached me and offered a weekly check.

So...needless to say...God has really blessed me.

If we all stop long enough, we can all be Thankful for what we have.
 It is in focusing on the "don't have's" that brings down a persons Spirit.

  In Christ Love,
Sherry Campbell

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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