~•~•sherry campbell's•~•~

Love is the easiest and hardest thing to give away.

Let me explain this one.

Love is easy to give to those that are our favorite people.

The hardest people to Love are those that need it the most, the people with an outer shell, a protective wall, if you will, around them.

Ever wonder why these people have that hard shell to begin with?

Someone they loved hurt them, in most cases.

I often think about the people that are rude to me at the checkout in stores, or the people in traffic that give each other an unfriendly look, or gesture.

Those are the people that are hard to love sometimes.
Even closer than that though...the hardest to love are sometimes people within your church.

I have had that problem recently, I admit.
Although we are commanded to Love One Another...at times, there is the "sandpaper" people that just rub you the wrong way.

Here is the answer...

I have found this works so much better than being irritable.

Be nice.

No matter what the sandpaper scratches on Be Loving.

Agree to disagree.

Be a peacemaker.

When you see someone who ignores you at all times.

Do the following....

Smile At Them.
It isn't much, it doesn't hurt, and a smile is sometimes the best thing you can say.

I'm currently trying to see people through God's Eyes instead of my own, and when I do that...

Everyone looks like a child in need of Love and my caring attitude.

Also, as a wise person said once..."Have a positive attitude,

It may not change the situation, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth it." lol...

No, really, what this person is saying is that no matter what someone else is doing, don't let it affect your attitude.

Be nice, Smile..remember God Loves all of us.

Also, no matter how well you know a person,

you may not know that person's current situation that may be dragging them down.

Plus, remember, God commanded them to Love you back!!

[This Uplifterland Series was written by Sherry Campbell and created by Kenny Mitchell ®2004 by WebUplifterMinistries.]

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