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†††~~HOLLEYWEEN 2003~~†††

As Fall was in it's prime, Kenny was closely watching his calendar for the end of October, Halloween, to be exact, when the Cuddles Caravan would come cross country to make their new home in the bootheel of Missouri.

The trip started off fine, but after about 12 hours into the trip, the three vehicle caravan met their biggest snare of the trip...

Holley was the leader driver, in her KIA and she had come upon a construction area in the highway, and pulled over to check which way to turn.

In behind her was Terry in her van and she pulled up beside Holley, barely off the road and left almost 20 feet space in between the two vehicles, in behind them, unaware that they had come to a stop was the big moving van, driven by Holley's brother, Buddy.

He put on his brakes and The whole group's Guardian Angels created a cushion shield and he slid in between the KIA and the Van and the closeness less than 6 inches which caught the steps of the moving van and cut a whole into one of the tires of Terry's Van, Tore one of the bikes off the bike rack and ripped a gash in the side of Terry's Van, too.

When The Moving Van came sliding in, Terry was just reaching over to get out of her vehicle and her Guardian Angel gently pulled her back, otherwise she would have been crushed by the impact of the Truck as it slid right into between the small gap...Yes, one of my Angel Friends better jobs, in fact a miracle that all involved that day were well aware of, especially Buddy who said He knew God had control of the Truck as it came to a stop without crashing..

Early Tuesday, Holley and her family were seeing their first sights of the state that they were entering and the new land they would call "HOME".....

Holley had been keeping in touch with Kenny by phone and at around 1PM, she called Him at work and Kenny asked off to go meet her, at the local Super 8 Motel Lot here at the edge of town.

As Kenny and I hopped into the car for the memorable trip to finally pick up Holley, Kenny's spirit was peaceful, happy, and eager to make contact.

Kenny circled around the back way of the motel and spied the group and the Moving Van and came charging up in behind Holley before she even knew he was there.

He was pulled right beside her as She turned around to see him for the first time.

They smiled, Kenny said "HI" and jumped out of His car and gave her that first SPECIAL kiss.

Then He proceeded to meet the rest of the family, then after a few words with everyone, Holley got in the car with Kenny and He led them out to the house that he had found for them to live in until that special "FAMILY SIZE" home came along, big enough to take in Kenny and His Mom, along with Holley's family, which would signify to them that God was ready for them to make that final step and get married...

Electrajane and Me, and a few of the other family's Guardian Angels sent our special vibes out all over this city to where we could locate the perfect home for Kenny and His bride and soulmate, Holley.

Within two weeks, the Lord had open that great wide door, that would forever shine as a reminder that when God does something, He goes all the way...

Out of the blue, so to speak, This five bedroom brick home with double garage, and enclosed den, huge living room, fireplace etc, in one of the nicest location in town became available and Kenny was the very first to call on it and in less than 24 hours....Kenny and Holley had their God-given dream home and their "GO" signal for getting married....

God does answer prayers and open doors for those who have faith and believe in His power....

Here is a photo of the "dream home" that was delivered to Kenny and Holley...

So....On December 3rd, 2003, at 3pm Kenny Mitchell and Holley Kemp were joined in Holy Wedlock never to be torn apart.

Holley's Guardian Angel, ElectraJane and Me were the Maid of Honor and the Best Man, but I didn't kiss the bride, I just swept across her spirit and gave her a special tingly feeling that she would carry the rest of her life, as long as she stayed with Kenny...

At this point in Kenny's Life I am caught Up with the Angelic Journal and this will be the last page that I will be able to share with you for a long time.

I thank each and everyone of you who have been faithful to reading this Journal and also who support the Uplifter Ministry with your notes and prayers....

I see that I will still be needed in Kenny's Life for a good while yet, and maybe someday I will decide to share more of His life with you through my writings.

But For now, this is Virgil T. Angel, saying God Bless You and remember Your Guardian Angel is there to protect you, so be thankful and give God the Glory....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

This Webpage ฎ 2004 WebUplifterMinistries

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