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Holley Kemp entered Kenny Mitchell's Life and Heart at almost the same time.

Both of them had more of Cupid's arrows shot in them than all the white men at Custer's Last stand.

This is one part of Kenny's Life that I got to stand back and just smile and watch God do his thing, and it is such an awesome thing when He decides to bring two soulmates together, and what happens has to do entirely with their response to this actually happening to them and how strong they rely on faith.

I am sure that Holley's Guardian Angel, ElectraJane, was hovering over her as I was with Kenny as during the first few weeks of their on-line romance began.

Kenny had become so inspired to write some of his very best work, totally describing a woman who lived over 1200 miles from him, and did not have any trouble at all, spilling his heart into the words of one of his greatest manuscripts, which Kenny entitled, "A REAL WOMAN!"

You can see this webpage yourself by checking out Holleyland in the Uplifterland Website.

After only a few weeks, strictly chatting online, the phone calls began around the middle of July 2003.

Kenny and Holley based their entire relationship on a very simple principle.

Let God Open all doors and they would follow.

Just like in the comics, when Superman was sent from Krypton as a baby and was feed information into his brain on the trip to Earth, Kenny and Holley were filled with more information, emotions, and love than the normal couple could handle in ultrasonic speed, courtesy of God and his being faithful to their unmoveable faith.

I was so thrilled to see Kenny so dead set on "giving it all to God" and just letting his future with Holley unfold before him, not even having a worry about it.

As Kenny and Holley continued to draw closer to each other, nothing could stop them now!

On the morning of August 6th, 2003, Kenny's mom woke up very sick and dizzy.

Kenny's Aunt came over as usual to clean their house that morning right after Kenny went to work, but within thirty minutes, Kenny got a phone call from his Aunt, telling him, he needed to get home. Something was really wrong with His Mom...

Now I was back into action again, Kenny really needed me now....So I was doing all my angelic things I could do, to help him through the beginning of a long haul for them.

Kenny's mom ended up in the local emergency room,

and was them transferred to Jonesboro, Arkansas with a bleed on her brain, and eventually would have to have surgery to stop the bleed and through the prayers of friends, family, and the support of Kenny's new-found love, Holley, another in a series of 2003 miracles came to pass.

Kenny's mom had technically flatlined, or died, but her surgeon, acting quickly was able to bring her back and even though she would have a long recovery period, for the first time in Kenny's Life, he had a shoulder he could cry on, lean on, and a voice at the other end of the line that gave him strength and courage to make it through each of these very trying days, all along, holding on to the sweet voice of Holley as she kept praying and trusting the Lord, for her next move as well as Kenny's Mom's healing...

Wanda was in the hospital and Rehab for almost a month, but was able to come home by the end of August even though she would need almost 24 hour care, which came in the form of Kenny, and other local family members, and dear Wanda's Guardian Angel worked so hard with her as well as with Me, so that Kenny was able to get some rest each night, while also having to jump up and down to care for his mom, during those first weeks after her hospital stay.

As Holley heard all that was going on in Kenny's Life and how helpless an worn out He seemed at times, It made her that much more eager to be with Him.

It wasn't enough anymore just to hear voices, both of them were ready for God to make a move.

At the end of September, Kenny started checking around to find a house that would fit Holley's family, so she could come to him, and once she was settled here, they could look around together for the house that would be "GOD PICKED" for them, the final open door that would lead to their marriage.

Kenny kept encouraging Holley, and she began the gigantic task of preparing for a move across the country, and within a few days, Kenny had found a house that would serve as a temporary home for the unwed Holley and her family and this meant that Holley had to really throw it into high gear and really start serious plans to load up her family and move to Missouri.

God was still in charge, He was still opening doors, and me, Virgil D. Angel, was tickled pink, something you do see often in a Male Angel, but it does happen in times of speciality like this...And as Angels communicate, ElectraJane was filling Holley's mind with all the extra knowledge she would need to make this major change and move.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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