{~•~}••page ~ thirty-nine ~ {~•~}


As 2003 rolled around, I recieved a very important notice from the assistant Angel Coordinator in Heaven, and I was so excited.
I was almost like a human feels when then win the Lottery.

My human aka Kenny, had been selected as a participant in the Soulmate Selection Process.

This is a very high honor that fewer and fewer people get, but when they are matched up with the opposite sex for real love and a life-long commitment, God has really blessed them for their trust and faith in Him. During the first part of this year, Kenny had been doing fantastic with the Uplifter on line.
He was learning new stuff every day and making webpages faster and better than ever before.

His energy level was unbelieveable, even for an angel like me, His pace of 4 or 5 hours sleep per night, working all day...Taking care of his mom and then spending at least 4 hours each night on the internet left even a young angel like me breathless.

At this point, Kenny's life was built around the Uplifter and the Friends He had met online, along with spending time with his two sons, although they were doing their own thing, more and more, and trying to keep up with his Mom's needs.

Late night, in early March, his mom had gotten up to use the bathroom and on her way back to bed had slipped and fell face first into the corner of the bathroom hallway.

Kenny jumped out of his bed when he heard the loud thump and found her in the floor, with a swelled up spot on her cheek and around her eye, along with several other bruises.

God had been watching over her along with her Guardian Angel because the main blow of the fall hit her cheek bone.

By the next morning, she looked like she had been beaten by a board...But as the miracles started flowing, her face healed up in less than two weeks and her doctor said that everything was fine.

This accident opened Kenny's eyes even more to the fact that His mom was really getting older and would require more attention.

One of the first things toward the blessing that God had bestowed upon Kenny, was that He and his Mom started a nightly Devotional Time, of gospel music, sharing prayer requests and then each of them taking time to pray for the needs of the day.

This seemed to help alot of things, and although Kenny's mom fell a few more times, she never hurt herself like she did that first time.

By the end of June, the local weather was hot and humid, almost like it was summer..lol...as it gets in the bootheel.

I am glad angels don't sweat.

Kenny had a pretty good system set up after he came home from work each night.
He would feed his mom, visit with her a while, go work on the daily Uplifter letter and then when he had time would visit the Christian Chat Rooms to meet new people and try to share the Uplifterland Website with them.

He wasn't sure about Love on the Internet.

He had never taken it very seriously.

It was the end of the month, late in June, when Kenny entered a room and God had already given ME the notice that it was time for what HE called the "BIG OK" to get things underway, so when I saw the young lady that would be involved with many changes in Kenny's life enter the chat room, I softly squeezed Kenny's heart and lit it up for him as she signed in the room.

That particular night the rooms topic was....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUGAR HOLLEY!

So, as soon as she entered Kenny was one of the first to type in his best wishes to her.

Knowing that she had been given the "BIG OK" too, she was very impressed by Kenny from that point on and now I was so excited my halo was lighting up double strength and I was twirling around so fast that I didn't even look like myself..

After Holley had visited Kenny in IM and they had chatted one on one with each other for several nights and she had sent him several nice emails, that was when God spoke to Kenny and I had to put my hands over my ears because God has to speak awfully loud sometimes to get human's attention.

Anyway, God said to Kenny,"KEEP TALKING WITH HOLLEY, GO TO THIS GIRL ONLINE AND VISIT WITH HER"...So, Kenny shook off all the antiweb romance ideas he had in his head and I got behind him and pushed him, ever so gently into the Internet Love Arena, and I blush now to think of how sweet they both became on one another in just a wee bit of time.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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