##••••p a g e ** Thirty-Eight••••##

$$-Major Problems For Kenny's Son-$$

As I sit here tonight, looking over all that I have shared with you about Kenny Mitchell's life, I am happy to say, that the golden pages are much thicker than the white ones, which indicates to all of Us Guardian Angels, the high spiritual points in Our human's life, and I feel thankful that God placed me with Kenny and his Journal overflows with Gold....

In 2002 things were going at a pretty regular, non-chaotic mode for Kenny and His Mother, other than the fact she was having trouble moving around more, as the months went by, Kenny stood by her and pretty much worked and came home at nights and worked on the Internet and continued building the Uplifter Ministry.

One other main objective of Kenny's was to try to continue to homeschool his son Derek who was rapidly heading toward the age of 17, and finding that book work and the whole education process was not important to him at all, and that make it very difficult for Kenny to keep Derek's attention span on anything that even remotely resembled school work.

Derek was also rebelling against his mother, and chasing girls, and had started smoking and even drinking when he could get it.

Derek finally went too far in the month of June, when he and one of his deliquent friends, AJ, decided to start ripping off Playstation games from the local rental store.

Kenny had no idea this was going on and the way he finally found out was a phone call in the middle of the night from Derek's Mom, stated that Derek was at the Police Station and was in trouble for theft.

Over a period of two weeks the boys had accumulated over 1200 dollars worth of games and then made the bigger mistake by trying to sell them to kids around town, when the games were plainly labeled "property of Movie Gallery".

When Kenny and I rushed to the Police Department, we were called into the room and met the Probation Officer, a very good man to whom Kenny had had dealings with at the drug store, but this time.....No Jokes, this was the real thing and the only thing that saved Derek from getting Jail Time was the fact he was not 17 years old yet, (only two months later and he would have been).

Plus, Derek also returned all the stolen Video Games and that also helped his sentencing.

Although, at the time, noone knew the outcome that night, and Derek and His friend, AJ, were taken to a Juvenile Detention Center about 100 miles from here and the boys would have to spend the entire weekend there, which included, Father's Day...

Kenny hugged Derek before they took him away, and told him that he would be praying for Him. Then Kenny and I took the long, slow drive home, trying to let all of this night soak in.

It was now after three in the morning and I placed my wings of peace around him as he laid down to try and sleep, because it was only a few hours until time to get up for work would be approaching.

Kenny called His boss and explained what happened and ended up taking the day off from work to go and talk with a lawyer and get some rest...

I was all cranked up to do my Angelic Duties, Overtime style...and Kenny seem to be calming down and pulling alot of strength from those on the internet by sharing prayer requests with them and talking with many of them in the chat rooms and through e-mail.

2002 was a tough time for Kenny and Derek, and the schooling really dropped behind even more until finally Kenny just turned it all over to Derek and his mother, since His mom seemed to know where Derek was more often than Kenny did.

Not only did it seem that Kenny's youngest son was pulling away from him, but his older son, now married with a baby girl, rarely came to visit him and his mom, or did Kenny even get many photos of Chelsea.

But little Did Kenny know that as his Granddaughter's second birthday came around that a year later...His whole life would be changed forever..finally for the good.

But we Angels know how God works, and I am happy to know that Kenny's future really does look so bright, even I need to wear shades.

Virgil T...Signing Off for now.....Keep in touch by checking out the other pages of My Journal...

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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